Bachelors of Business Administration
The Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) degree is an innovative four-year program for those interested in pursuing careers in all areas of the business field. The BBA degree prepares students for the world of business with a curriculum designed for life outside the classroom. Coursework includes a range of business topics covering management, information systems, marketing, entrepreneurship, and finance to meet the demand for business graduates with cross-functional abilities.
Download informational flyer here.
General Requirements:
Hold at minimum, a standard high school diploma or equivalent; and
Complete the application process, including signing an enrollment agreement.
Required Documents:
Official high school transcript or high school Equivalency test scores.
Color copy of valid government issued ID (i.e. driver’s license, ID card, passport, etc.)
*Official college transcripts are not required but can be submitted if applicable for the purpose of advising.
*Test scores are not required for admission but may be considered during advising.
The student will analyze and formulate strategic business management strategies encompassing effective utilization of human resources, financial resources, and other organizational assets to drive business success and sustainability.
The student will propose well-reasoned and data-driven business decisions by critically evaluating and interpreting current and projected financial data, market trends, and consumer behavior to maximize profitability and competitive advantage.
The student will design innovative and comprehensive marketing approaches and plans tailored to diverse products, services, and target audiences, incorporating market research, consumer insights, and emerging marketing trends.
The student will evaluate and apply advanced leadership techniques and theories in various business settings, recognizing and addressing the unique needs and challenges of employees, teams, and organizations.
The student will critically assess the intricacies of entrepreneurship, including the identification and mitigation of risks, the development of sustainable business models, and the implementation of growth strategies for new and existing ventures.
The student will evaluate and apply ethical and legal principles to assess and improve business practices, ensuring compliance with regulations, fostering a culture of integrity, and making responsible decisions that prioritize stakeholder interests.
The student will analyze and evaluate different methods and approaches to conducting business in a global context, considering economic, cultural, political, and technological factors, and developing strategies for global expansion and cross-cultural collaboration.
The student will generate professional and relevant business documents, such as strategic plans, financial reports, marketing campaigns, and resource allocation plans, adhering to industry standards and effectively communicating ideas, analysis, and recommendations.
The student will demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills in various business scenarios, utilizing appropriate technologies and platforms, adapting communication styles to diverse audiences, and presenting ideas and information persuasively and professionally.
Students must complete 36 credits of general education core coursework at the lower division level. See Associate in Arts program for general education course options.
In addition, students must earn the following 24 credits in lower division business prerequisite courses to satisfy lower division elective requirements. BBA students are expected to earn a grade of "C" or higher in all business prerequisite courses.
All courses are worth three (3) credit hours unless otherwise specified:
- ACG 2021: Financial Accounting
- ACG 2071: Managerial Accounting
- CGS 2100: Introduction to Microcomputer Applications for Business or CGS 1060: Introduction to Computer Technology and Applications
- STA 2023: Statistics
- ECO 2013: Principles of Macroeconomics*
- ECO 2023: Principles of Microeconomics*
- MAC 2233: Calculus for Business*
- SPC 1608: Public Speaking
*Can be used to satisfy General Education Requirements.
Students must complete all 60 credits of upper division coursework as follows:
- BUL 3130: Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
- ENT 3003: Foundations of Entrepreneurship
- ENT 4412: Entrepreneurial Finance
- ENT 4124: Marketing for Entrepreneurs
- ENT 4013: Planning New Ventures
- FIN 3403: Financial Management
- FIN 4504: Principles of Investment
- FIN 4303: Financial Institutions
- FIN 3105: Personal Investment Management
- GEB 3213: Introduction to Business Communication
- ISM 3011: Management Information Systems
- MAN 3240: Organizational Behavior
- MAN 4046: Leadership and Team Development
- MAN 3600: International Business
- MAN 3065: Business Ethics
- MAN 4301: Human Resource Management
- MAR 3023: Marketing Fundamentals
- MAR 4233: Influential Media Marketing
- MAR 4503: Consumer Behavior
- MAR 4400: The Art of Sales: Mastering the Selling Process
Once you're ready to apply to our BBA program, do so here.
When applying to the BBA program:
- Please allow approximately 20 minutes to complete the application.
- Please have your ID and required documents, including transcripts and evaluations, ready beforehand.
Our BBA program lauches Fall 2024 and we are currently accepting applications now!
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