Doral College’s Associate in Arts academic program is designed to furnish students a foundational set of learning skills as well as provide broad-based knowledge in multiple disciplines. Both of these aims are necessary for success in future educational endeavors, professional careers, and lifelong learning. It is expected that Doral College students demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively, to think critically, and to access and use information from multiple sources. The general education program requires students to increase and widen their base of knowledge and understanding by taking courses from a broad range of disciplines including mathematics, natural sciences, English, humanities, and social sciences. In addition, students can take elective courses depending on their future majors or interests.

In addition to offering the courses in the traditional academic disciplines, Doral College also provides students the opportunity to develop skills necessary for success in the 21st Century as well as understanding their roles as global citizens.

Download informational flyer here.

General Requirements
     1. Hold at minimum, a standard high school diploma or equivalent; and
     2. Complete the application process, including signing an enrollment agreement.
Required Documents
  • Official high school transcript or high school Equivalency test scores.
  • Color copy of valid government issued ID (i.e. driver’s license, ID card, passport, etc.)
* Official college transcripts are not required but can be submitted if applicable for the purpose of advising.
* Test scores are not required for admission but may be considered during advising.

Reflecting the philosophy discussed in the program of study, Doral College has adopted the following program outcomes for its Associate in Arts degree program:

COMMUNICATION: The student will demonstrate effective reading, writing, and speaking skills.

HUMANITIES: The student will demonstrate an understanding of humanities defining cultural trends throughout history by the study of art, literature, music, philosophy, and other forms of artistic and creative expression.

MATHEMATICS: The student will understand and apply mathematical principles and methods.

NATURAL SCIENCES: The student will apply the methods, principles, and concepts of the natural sciences.

SOCIAL SCIENCES: The student will examine human behavior and institutions from political, economic, historical, psychological, business, or sociological perspectives.

CRITICAL THINKING: The student will apply reflection, analysis, synthesis, logical reasoning, and evaluation to formulate judgments, reach decisions, and solve problems.

INFORMATION LITERACY: The student will find, evaluate, organize, and use information accurately and effectively.

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP: The student will demonstrate an understanding of cultural, ethical, historical, and technological issues on human society, including cultural diversity, digital literacy, environmental awareness, and ethical decision-making.

Once you're ready to apply to our AA program, do so here.

When applying to the AA program:

  • Please allow approximately 20 minutes to complete the application.
  • Please have your ID and required documents, including transcripts and evaluations, ready beforehand.