What is the difference between an official and unofficial transcript?

Both unofficial and official transcripts contain the same basic information, including identifying items like the student’s full name, ID number, and address; and academic information like posted courses and grades, grade point average, and degrees conferred, if any. However, an unofficial transcript is generally printed on plain paper and may also lack other official features such as the college’s seal or registrar’s signature. It may also contain a watermark identifying it as “UNOFFICIAL.” Unofficial transcripts are generally used for planning purposes only and will not be accepted by other colleges for transfer purposes.

An official transcript is printed on security paper that is watermarked and cannot be successfully copied; and enclosed in a sealed, stamped envelope. An official transcript must remain in the sealed envelope until it is received by the institution or addressee, as it becomes unofficial the instant the seal on the envelope is broken.

How do I request an official transcript?

Requesting your official transcript is easy! Student transcripts are housed in the Doral College student information system (SIS), MaestroSIS, and generated through the Student Affairs division. Doral College utilizes an electronic ordering transcript system provider called Parchment.

To request an official transcript, you will first be required to create an account with Parchment if you have not done so before. You should plan to supply either your DC ID number or your local high school student ID number so that we can more easily locate your records. Electronic and paper transcripts are $6.00 each. There will be an additional shipping charge for paper transcripts. Payment must be made via Parchment, by credit card.

To get started, click here

How do I view my unofficial transcript?

Unofficial transcripts are available to all students after each completed term of enrollment. An unofficial transcript is generated at the end of every semester in which the student was enrolled. Unofficial transcripts can be downloaded and printed. To view your unofficial transcript, login to the Doral College student information system and click on “transcripts” under the left-hand drop-down menu. 

What if I need proof of my current enrollments?

Doral College includes in progress and future courses on unofficial transcripts. 

What if I need to transfer credit in toward my degree?

Doral College grants credit for AP, CLEP, AICE/Cambridge, and IB exams. Credit for passing scores on these exams will be granted in accordance with published Credit-by-Exam tables. In addition, the College also accepts credits earned at post-secondary institutions approved by accreditors recognized by the United States Department of Education, assuming they are applicable to the student’s program. Relevant score reports and transcripts must be submitted to documents@doral.edu for processing. 


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