Were you accepted into Doral College? Congratulations! Now, what’s next?

First, we are excited you have decided to join our growing family! Doral College prides itself on serving a unique and diverse student body dedicated to the pursuit of higher education. Whether you are dual enrollment student embarking on your first college class or part of our exciting new Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education program, we are honored you have chosen DC for your educational pursuits! We pride ourselves on providing all students a quality, tech-infused educational program supported through individualized, personal attention.

Currently, DC students do not self-register. Registrations are submitted through an advisor, providing for personalized attention that ensures course selections meet the students’ goals.

  • For dual enrollment students, contact your onsite dual enrollment advisor.
  • For undergraduate students, contact Undergraduate Advisor Ana Gamundi.

In addition, students are encouraged to explore and familiarize themselves with the following resources:

Student Resources Center

Dual Enrollment Advising 

Undergraduate Advising

College Catalog & Student Handbook 

If you need further assistance or would like to speak to someone regarding your next steps, please contact us at studentaffairs@doral.edu or call (305) 463-7210.

Want to stay in contact? Check out our social media pages and other contact methods.

doral college