Advising for Undergraduate & Graduate Students
Doral College is committed to the academic success and personal development of each of its students and offers a variety of services designed to meet the needs of its unique population.
To that end, Doral College provides academic advising to degree-seeking Undergraduate Students earning an Associate in Arts degree, a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with endorsements in ESOL and Reading degree, a Bachelor of Business Administration, a Masters in Educational leadership, and/or a Modified Curriculum in Educational Leadership.
Doral College additionally provides support to non-degree seeking individuals satisfying initial teacher certification, recertification or endorsement requirements in the State of Florida.
The following documents have been provided to help current students plan and track their academic progress toward an Associate in Arts degree:
- This General Associate in Arts Degree Track Sheet will help you familiarize yourself with the requirements of the College’s Associate in Arts degree.
- Interested in continuing into the BSED? Our AA to BSED Track Sheet will help guide your progress through the AA with a focus on the prerequisites and skills necessary to continue to that program.
- This Majors Guide will assist you in planning the prerequisite courses needed to successfully complete your major.
The following documents have been provided to help students plan and track their academic progress toward the completion of a Bachelor of Business Administration:
- This BBA Track Sheet highlights the lower and upper division coursework requirements for the BBA. As part of its lower division requirements, students will need to satisfy prerequisite courses to continue to the upper division component of this degree.
The following documents can help BSED students plan their upper division curriculum:
- This BSED Program Reference Sheet will help you familiarize yourself with the upper division requirements of the BSED degree.
- Need to schedule your FTCE exams? Click here.
- This BSED Timeline Flyer provides guidance on when and how to prepare for the program’s required FTCE exams.
- To request program access to 240Tutoring, please contact your BSED Orientation instructor.
The following resources/documents have been provided to help current students plan and track their academic progress toward a Master of Educational Leadership or Modified Curriculum Educational Leadership:
- Advising: Reach out to your advisor and make an appointment for a call or zoom at your convenience.
- This Masters Program Course Schedule and Modified Educational Leadership Program Course Schedule will help you familiarize yourself with the requirements of the Master of Educational Leadership or Modified Curriculum Educational Leadership degree.
- Required textbooks are listed by course here.
- These Requirements will help you familiarize yourself with the programs and outcomes: Master of Educational Leadership and Modified Curr. Educational Leadership
- Get familiar with the FELE Exam
- FELE Registration
- To request program access to 240Tutoring, please contact Ileana Melian.
ral college