Transfer Evaluation

Doral College grants credit from institutionally accredited postsecondary institutions as well as exams taken through the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced International Certificate in Education (AICE), and International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Credit for passing scores on these exams will be granted in accordance with the tables below. Score reports must be submitted to Student Affairs for processing. Degree-seeking dual enrollment students should regularly send in updated transcripts and score reports to the help desk to ensure their records are updated in a timely fashion for the most accurate Individual Academic Plan (IAP). 

No more than 75 percent of the degree requirements will be accepted toward any program from any source or combination of sources, for a total of 45 credits toward the Associate in Arts degree, and 90 credits toward the Bachelor of Science degree. Transfer credit will be counted toward degree requirements, but will not be calculated in a student’s Doral College grade point average, and will appear on transcripts with a grade of “EC” for credit originating from an exam, or “TC” for credit originating from another postsecondary institution. 

To request transfer credit for courses taken at another institution, students must first submit transcripts to Student Affairs for evaluation and processing. For courses taken at schools outside of the Florida State Course Numbering System (SCNS), additional documentation, such as course descriptions and or syllabi may be requested to determine equivalency. 

Regardless of the source, no determination of transfer credit should be considered official until the appropriate paperwork has been submitted to the College and corresponding credit posted in the students’ record in the College’s Student Information System (SIS).

AP Course Score of 3 Score of 4 Score of 5 General Education Credit
2-D Art and Design ART 1201 ART 1201 ART 1201 General Electives
3-D Art and Design ART 1202 ART 1202 ART 1202 General Electives
Art History ART XXXX ARH 2050 & ARH 2051 ARH 2050 & ARH 2051 Humanities DC Core
Biology BSC 1005C BSC 2010C BSC 2010C & BSC 2011C Score of 3: Science State Core/Score of 4: Science State Core/Score of 5: Science State Core and Science DC Core
Calculus AB MAC 2311 MAC 2311 MAC 2311 Math DC Core
Calculus BC (subscore is evaluated
based upon Calculus AB exam)
MAC 2311 MAC 2311 & MAC 2312 (9 CREDITS) MAC 2311 & MAC 2312 (9 CREDITS) Math DC Core
Capstone Research IDS XXXX IDS XXXX IDS XXXX General Electives
Capstone Seminar IDS XXXX IDS XXXX IDS XXXX General Electives
Chemistry CHM 1020C CHM 1045C CHM 1045C & CHM 1046C Score of 3: Science State Core/Score of 4: Science State Core/Score of 5: Science State Core and Science DC Core
Chinese Language & Culture CHI XXXX CHI XXXX (6 CREDITS) CHI XXXX (6 CREDITS) General Electives
Comparative Govt & Politics CPO XXXX CPO XXXX CPO XXXX General Electives
Computer Science A CGS XXXX CGS XXXX CGS XXXX General Electives
Computer Science Principles COP XXXX COP XXXX COP XXXX General Electives
English Language & Comp ENC 1101 ENC 1101 & ENC 1102 ENC 1101 & ENC 1102 English State Core
English Literature & Comp ENC 1101 OR LIT 2000 ENC 1102 & LIT 2000 (6 CREDITS) ENC 1102 & LIT 2000 (6 CREDITS) Score of 3: English State Core or Humanities State Core/ Score of 4+:English State Core & Humanities State Core
Environmental Science EVR 1001 EVR 1001 EVR 1001 Science State Core
European History EUH 1000 EUH 1000 & EUH 1001 EUH 1000 & EUH 1001 History DC Core
French Language & Culture FRE 1120 FRE 1120 & FRE 1121 (6 CREDITS) FRE 1120 & FRE 1121 (6 CREDITS) General Electives
German Language & Culture GER XXXX GER XXXX (6 CREDITS) GER XXXX (6 CREDITS) General Electives
Human Geography GEO 1400 GEO 1400 GEO 1400 Social Science DC Core
Italian Language & Culture ITA XXXX ITA XXXX (6 CREDITS) ITA XXXX (6 CREDITS) General Electives
Japanese Language & Culture JPN XXXX JPN XXXX (6 CREDITS) JPN XXXX (6 CREDITS) General Electives
Latin LNW XXXX LNW XXXX LNW XXXX General Electives
Macroeconomics ECO 2013 ECO 2013 ECO 2013 Social Science State Core
Microeconomics ECO 2023 ECO 2023 ECO 2023 Social Science DC Core
Music Theory (If both aural and non aural subscores are 3+) MUT 1111 MUT 1111 MUT 1111 General Electives
Music Theory (If composite score is 3+) MUT XXXX MUT XXXX MUT XXXX General Electives
Physics 1 PHY 2053C PHY 2053C PHY 2053C Science State Core
Physics 2 PHY 2054C PHY 2054C PHY 2054C Science DC Core
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism PHY 2054C PHY 2054C PHY 2054C Science DC Core
Physics C: Mechanics PHY 2053C PHY 2053C PHY 2053C Science State Core
Precalculus MAC 1140 MAC 1140 & MAC 1114 MAC 1140 & MAC 1114 Math DC Core
Psychology PSY 2012 PSY 2012 PSY 2012 Social Science State Core
Spanish Language & Culture SPN XXXX SPNXXXX (6 CREDITS) SPN XXXX (6 CREDITS) General Electives
Spanish Literature & Culture SPW XXXX SPW XXXX (6 CREDITS) SPW XXXX (6 CREDITS) General Electives
Statistics STA 2023 STA 2023 STA 2023 Math State Core
Studio Art Drawing Portfolio ART 1201; IF CREDIT EARNED, ART XXXX ART 1201; IF CREDIT EARNED, ART XXXX ART 1201; IF CREDIT EARNED, ART XXXX General Electives
United States History AMH 2010 AMH 2010 & AMH 2020 AMH 2010 & AMH 2020 Score of 3: History DC Core/Score of 4+: History DC Core & History State Core
US Govt & Politics POS 1041 POS 1041 POS 1041 Social Science State Core
World History WOH 1012 WOH 1012 WOH 1012 History DC Core
CLEP Exam Score needed DC Course Number Credits Awarded General Education Credit
American Literature 50 AML XXXX 3 General Electives
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 No direct equivalent. Recommend American or English Literature exams instead. N/A N/A
College Composition 50 ENC 1101 & ENC 1102 6 English State Core
College Composition Modular 50 ENC 1101 & ENC 1102 ONLY if supplemental essay option passed 6 English State Core
English Literature 50 ENL XXXX 3 General Electives
Humanities 50 HUM 1020 3 Humanities State Core
Biology 50 BSC 1005 (no lab) 3 Science State Core
Calculus 50 MAC 2233 3 Math DC Core
Chemistry 50 CHM 1020 (no lab) 3 Science State Core
College Algebra 50 MAC 1105 3 Math State Core
College Mathematics 50 MGF 1106 OR 1107 3 Math State Core
Natural Sciences 50 No direct equivalent. Recommend specific subject exams instead. N/A N/A
Pre Calculus-Algebra 50 MAC 1140 3 Math DC Core
French 50-58
Level 2 59+
FRE 1120
FRE 1120 & FRE 1121
General Electives
General Electives
German 50-59
Level 2 60+
General Electives
General Electives
Spanish 50-62
Level 2 63+
SPN 1120
SPN 1120 & SPN 1121
General Electives
General Electives
American Government 50 POS 1041 3 Social Science State Core
Intro to Educational Psychology 50 EDP 2002 3 General Electives
US History I: Early to 1877 50 AMH 2010 3 History DC Core
US History II: 1865 to Present 50 AMH 2020 3 History State Core
Human Growth & Development 50 DEP 2004 3 Social Science DC Core
Macroeconomics 50 ECO 2013 3 Social Science State Core
Microeconomics 50 ECO 2023 3 Social Science DC Core
Intro to Psychology 50 PSY 2012 3 Social Science State Core
Social Sciences & History 50 No direct equivalent. Recommend specific subject exams instead. N/A N/A
Intro to Sociology 50 SYG 1000 3 Social Science State Core
Western Civilization I 50 EUH 1000 3 History DC Core
Western Civilization II 50 EUH 1001 3 History DC Core
Financial Accounting 50 ACG 2021 3 General Electives
Introductory to Business Law 50 BUL 2241 3 General Electives
Information System & Computer Applications 50 CGS XXXX 3 General Electives
Principles of Management 50 MAN 2021 3 General Electives
Principles of Marketing 50 MAR 2011 3 General Electives
IB Exam Score of 4 Score of 5-7 General Education Credit
Biology Standard Level (SL) BSC 1005C BSC 1005C Science State Core
Biology Higher Level (HL) BSC 1005C & BSC 2010C BSC 1005C & BSC 2010C Science State Core
Chemistry CHM 1020C CHM 1020C & CHM 1045C Science State Core
English Language A: Language and Literature ENC 1101 ENC 1101 & ENC 1102 English State Core
English Language A: Literature ENC 1101 ENC 1101 & LIT 1000 Score of 4: English State Core/Score of 5-7: English State Core and Humanities State Core
French FRE XXXX (4 credits) FRE XXXX (8 credits) General Electives
History (Americas) WOH XXXX WOH XXXX & AMH 2020 Score of 4: History DC Core/Score of 5-7: History DC Core and History State Core
Spanish SPN XXXX (4 credits) SPN XXXX (8 credits) General Electives
Math Analysis & Approaches (SL) MAC 1105 MAC 1105 & MAC 1140 Score of 4: Math State Core/Score of 5-7: Math State Core and Math DC Core
Math Applications & Interpretations (SL) MAC 1105 MAC 1105 & MGF 1106 Math State Core
Music MUL 1010 MUL 1010 & MUT XXXX Score of 4: Humanities State Core/Score of 5-7: Humanities State Core and Humanities DC Core
Physics Standard Level (SL) PHY 1020C PHY 1020C & PHY XXXX Score of 4: Science State Core/Score of 5-7: Science State Core and Science DC Core
Physics Higher Level (HL) PHY 1020C PHY 1020C & PHY 2053C Science State Core
Psychology PSY 2012 PSY 2012 & PSY XXXX
Score of 4: Social Science State Core/Score of 5-7: Social Science State Core and SociaL Science DC Core


AICE Exam AS Level A Level General Education Credit
Biology BSC 1005C BSC 2010C & 2011C Science State Core
Business GEB 1011 GEB 1011 & GEB XXXX General Electives
Classical Studies CLA XXXX N/A General Electives
English Language ENC 1101 ENC 1101 & (ENC 1102 OR LIT XXXX) AS Level: English State Core/ A Level: English State Core or Humanities State Core
English Literature ENC 1102 ENC 1102 & LIT 2000 AS Level: English State Core/ A Level: Humanities State Core
Environmental Management EVR 1001C (4 credits) N/A Science State Core
European History EUH 1000 EUH 1000 & EUH 1001 History DC Core
Further Mathematics N/A MAC 1114 & MAC 2311 Math DC Core
General Paper IDS XXXX N/A General Electives
Geography GEA XXXX GEO 1400 & GEA XXXX Social Science DC Core
Global Perspectives ISS XXXX ISS XXXX (6 credits) General Electives
International History WOH XXXX N/A History DC Core
Marine Science OCE 1001 OCE 1001 & OCB XXXX Science State Core
Math MAC XXXX (4 credits) MAC 2311 & MAC 1114 Math DC Core
Media Studies DIG XXXX DIG XXXX (6 credits) General Electives
Psychology PSY 2012 PSY 2012 & PSY XXXX AS Level: Social Science State Core/A Level Social Science State Core and Social Science DC Core
Sociology SYG 1000 SYG 1000 Social Science State Core
Spanish Language SPN XXXX SPN XXXX General Electives
Thinking Skills PHI XXXX PHI XXXX (6 credits) General Electives
Travel and Tourism HFT XXXX HFT XXXX (6 credits) General Electives
US History AMH XXXX AMH 2020 & AMH XXXX AS Level: History DC Core/A Level: History State Core and History DC Core
doral college