
Doral College is a private non-profit institution governed by a Board of Trustees. The college is led by the President in conjunction with an administrative team responsible for managing institutional operations and the academic program through administrative, and academic and student support units. The four administrative divisions include Office of the President, Division of Academic Affairs, Division of General Counsel, and Division of Student Affairs.  

The Office of the President has administrative responsibility for two administrative support areas within the College: Office of Financial Management and Office of the President.

The Office of the President advances the College’s mission by initiating and monitoring the strategic planning process and overseeing the operational planning process. The Office of the President reports to the Board of Trustees and promotes communication within the College community. The Office of the President supervises all financial management services including budgeting, purchasing, audit overview, revenue, expenses, and all aspects of financial planning.


The Office of the President sponsors three College-wide Standing Committees: 

  • Accreditation Team
  • Affiliate Advisory Coalition
  • Strategic Planning Committee

The Division of Academic Affairs has administrative responsibility the Office of Academic Affairs (including both administration and its academic program), and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.


The Division Of Academic Affairs advances the College’s mission by providing the leadership and support necessary to ensure the integrity, excellence, and effectiveness of the academic program, including curriculum development and the hiring and supervision of full-time and adjunct instructors, support for faculty teaching and scholarship, advocating for faculty and the academic program within the College community, and compliance with external regulatory agencies as required. The Division of Academic Affairs oversees the Office of Learning Resources its provision of excellent library collections and services to faculty, staff, and students.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness advances the College’s mission by promoting and supporting ongoing, integrated research-based planning, decision making, and evaluation processes. The Institutional Effectiveness office works with all areas of the College including academic programs and administrative and academic student support services regarding institutional effectiveness efforts and compliance with accreditation criteria. 


The Division of Academic Affairs sponsors two College-wide Standing Committees:

  • Academic Affairs Committee
  • Institutional Planning Committee (IPC); this committee also acts as the Institutional Review Board.

The Division of Academic Affairs also sponsors the Advisory Council, which advises the College on its academic program.

The Division of General Counsel has administrative responsibility for the administrative support Office of General Counsel. 

The Division of General Counsel advances the College’s mission by providing legal advice and representation on institutional matters, creating and maintaining institutional policies and procedures, reviewing and endorsing institutional contracts, and supporting the effective implementation of a continuous cycle of institutional improvement.

The Division of Student Affairs has administrative responsibility for two academic and student support areas within the College: Office of Admissions and Registrar and Office of Student Services and Activities. The Division of Student Affairs advances the College’s mission by providing its students with a supportive, engaging framework to support its dynamic academic program that includes effective guidance and support in the areas of admissions, registration, advising and student services, and student extra-curricular activities. The Division of Student Affairs works to support the academic success of all students, ensuring the same services and support are available, regardless of location, student program, or degree goals.


The Division of Student Affairs sponsors two College-wide Standing Committees:

• Student Affairs Committee
• Admissions Committee

doral college