The College’s SGA works with the College’s administration to ensure students’ needs are met and their voices heard. Both Executive Board and Senator positions are available.

Executive Board positions include President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Senators serve as representatives for their schools. There is one Senator slot per school. Please note the minimum requirements for all positions below.

Executive Board Requirements are as follow:

  • must have completed at least 12 credits in DC by the end of the semester during which the election is held,
  • must be enrolled in at least one course in the semester in which they run for office,
  •  must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA (DC ONLY) when applying to run for office,
  • must be recommended by their DC Academic Advisor (will be verified with advisor),
  • must be able to attend the monthly mandatory SGA Leadership Program meetings (will receive advanced notification of dates and may be held virtually), and
  • Must be in good standing with Doral College.

The election will be held Monday April 22 – Friday May 3. Please check your Schoology updates for your access link to the ballot.

Senator Requirements are follow:

  • must have completed at least 6 credits in DC by the end of the semester during which the election is held,
  • must be enrolled in at least one course in the semester in which they run for office,
  • must have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA (DC ONLY) when applying to run for office,
  • must be recommended by their DC Academic Advisor (will be verified with advisor),
  • must be able to attend the monthly mandatory SGA Leadership Program meetings (will receive advanced notification of dates and may be held virtually), and must be in good standing with Doral College.

The election will be held Monday April 22 – Friday May 3. Please check your Schoology updates for your access link to the ballot.